Director of Transportation
Matthew Pernat
Send Email
Phone: 607.547.8331
Fax: 607.282.1037


Ensuring our students get to school safely is the top priority of our Transportation Department. Last year, our vehicles traveled 165,766 miles. This figure includes the morning and afternoon student commute, as well as field trips, athletic, and special events. The 18-vehicle fleet includes 15 full-sized buses, two vans and one Suburban. Routine maintenance and inspections are performed to keep our vehicles above all safety standards. Our vehicles travel in all sorts of weather and traffic conditions and our experienced drivers put student safety first and foremost. The Director of Transportation coordinates the district’s routing and fleet maintenance.
A sign inside each District bus indicates the presence of video cameras. Video cameras allow school administrators, including the head bus driver, to monitor student behavior. Video cameras are placed on every bus, most having four. The video cameras record both video and audio and are always recording when the bus is on or when the emergency button is pressed.
It is illegal to pass a school bus displaying its flashing red lights, both on and off school property. These lights are displayed to indicate passengers are boarding or are being discharged and they serve the protection of students. This law is strictly enforced and any violators will be reported.
Elementary Students who reside within one (1) mile of the elementary building, and junior-senior high school students within one and a half (1.5) miles of the junior-senior high school building are not eligible for transportation by Bus. Special Accommodations for students with disabilities can be made through the CSE or transportation offices.
Kindergarten and first-grade students will not be dropped off at their residence without a parent/adult visible to the driver. They will be returned to the school and the parent will need to pick them up there.
Please submit any addresses changes to your child's school counselor at the Elementary School Counseling Office or the Jr./Sr. High School Counseling Office. This information is needed for emergencies, contact information, and mailings regardless of whether or not your child rides the bus to school.