Academic Intervention Services (AIS) are designed to help students achieve the learning standards in English language arts and mathematics in grades K-12 and social studies and science in grades 4-12. These services include two components:
Additional instruction that supplements the general curriculum (regular classroom instruction).
Student support services needed to address barriers to improved academic performance.
The intensity of such services may vary, but they must be designed to respond to student needs as indicated through state assessments results and/or the district-adopted or district-approved procedure that is consistent throughout the district at each grade level.
Students eligible for AIS, including those with disabilities and/or limited English proficiency, are:
Those who score below the designated performance levels on elementary, intermediate, and commencement-level state assessments in English language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science.
Those at risk of not meeting state standards as indicated through the district-adopted or district-approved procedure, including those K-3 students who lack reading readiness.
Parents or guardians are notified by letter that their child qualifies to receive these services.
Emily Craig Send Email
Sabrina Page Send Email
Karen Hill Send Email
Ann Marsala (LTA) Send Email
Shawn Burton (LTA) Send Email
Molly Richtsmeier Send Email
Sylvia Summers Send Email
Irene Keninson Send Email
Sarah Snyder Send Email
Kris Potrikus Send Email
Some classroom teachers may provide AIS remediation in specific subject areas either in their classrooms or in a separate setting.